Friday, June 3, 2011

Summer Reading Challenge (modified)

As we are getting ready to wrap up the school year here, I find myself energized for reading.  Like most teachers, most of my reading is done during the summer month when deadlines are no longer looming overhead.  I recently read a post by Donalyn Miller on edweek (click here for her post) about reading one book a day each day of summer vacation.  For me, what would work out to approximatley 63 days.  She mentions using picture books to help up your averages.  For instance, if you read 2 books today and none tomorrow, you would still be good.  I think I'm up for the challenge!  However, for me, I'm setting that challenge with a twist: since this is School Library Place, I'd like to keep my readers up to date with the titles I'm reading.  So my challenge to myself (and others!) is this: for each book read, post a short review on your blog.  This way, other teachers and librarians can share in the good read and have ideas to pass on to students as well!  Ok folks.... get reading and get blogging (outside in the sun hopefully!!!)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Happy Graduation *

Yes, that is an asterisk after "graduation" in the title.  That is simply because although I marched in my cap and gown, I am not yet done with the work required of my degree.  I am still in the midst of finishing my final project.  Its almost done, but I won't really be able to celebrate until it is done.
On that note, here is a link to my portfolio for my degree -- I'd love your thoughts and input...

The final project page is blank but will have the finished version of my paper...