Thursday, April 14, 2011

Don't let them rattle your cage...

The end is coming!  No, I don't mean 2012... I mean the end of the school year.  I spent the last couple of days at a workshop about restraint training.  One line in particular stood out to me: "Don't let them rattle your cage."  How many times as an educator (or even parent) have you let a child's behavior impact your day, mood or attitude?  I don't care if you are teacher of the year, this job can get to you.  There are days that are worse than others, but how do you get through?  And sorry, I don't have the answers to that one either!  But I challenge you as this school year starts to wind down to figure out the ways to keep yourself sane and refreshed.  You chose this job because of the rewards it offers.  Keep those rewards in mind as we make our way to the finish line of another year...