Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Well, it certainly has been a while.  I have definitely let this blog slide and not updated it nearly as much as I'd like.  But hopefully, this PLC opportunity will be the catalyst for change in that.
So, why am I here?  Well, I have an interest in PLCs and, specifically, as a school librarian, in how students use the Internet and all that it can offer.  I am looking for resources, ideas and best practices in terms of teaching students how to effectively and appropriately use the web other than "WIKIPEDIA IS NOT A VALID SOURCE!"  Working in a low socio-economic school, I also run into the challenge of access as well as reading ability.  Therefore, I also look to network and connect with other urban minded librarians and teachers to see what works for them.

Looking forward to all our shared learning!

1 comment:

  1. Theresa,

    I hope you are enjoying the material so far. This week we will play tools that most librarians and teachers love.

